Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Running Buddies in Training

Paul and I adopted two black lab puppies on Sunday. They are two and a half months old. Needless to say, it's been a long sleepless week. There are many things I am looking forward to as the puppies grow up - other than the obvious not peeing in the house thing. Namely, I am looking forward to having two awesome running buddies...

So I took them out for their first training tonight. We were supposed to run 4 miles to make up for the no training last night. So the plan was to take Bailey (girl dog) for a 2 mile loop around my neighborhood and then trade and take Blizz (boy dog) for a second 2 mile loop.

Bailey did pretty well except for her inability to run in a straight line, mostly because she was trying to lick my leg as we were running. She pooped out at about mile 1.5 though - I can't really blame her since it is like a million degrees outside. So I carried her for a bit and then she ran the last stretch home.

Blizz was a whole other story ... we got as far as the front yard before he decided he'd rather lay down on the front yard. It was like pulling teeth to get him down the street and back. He also went to a dead stand still any time he heard the slightest noise. Some guard dog!

Needless to say, I didn't get my 4 miles in, but I did have a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to the day that will come all too soon when these guys will be my favorite running buddies.


Chandra said...

They are adorable!!